Pre-orders of our new book+music project BOOK are on sale TODAY with 20% off!
BOOK is a deluxe first edition book+download+CD set. 15 new songs AND a 144-page full-color, hard-bound book. BOOK is a remarkable album and art object.
BOOK the book is a collaboration between They Might Be Giants, photographer Brian Karlsson and designer Paul Sahre. These first editions hard-bound, cloth-covered of BOOK are 12" x 12" (that fits perfectly in any LP collection) The lyrics in the book are from the new album BOOK, I Like Fun, My Murdered Remains, all set in layouts that might be best described as concrete poetry. Sahre actually typed up all the lyrics manually on an IBM Selectric typewriter from the early 1970s.
Order now and receive the download to two preview tracks instantly: I Broke My Own Rule and I Lost Thursday.